b'7. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Dont assume SEO and being found on LinkedIn will take care of itself. Add keywords to every section of your profile to help it come up in searches.You can find keywords in the job descriptions of the positions you are interested in applying for. A great way to do this is to cut and paste the text of the job description into a word cloud generator such as WordClouds or Wordle. The words that stand out most prominently will be the words recruiters are looking for when they are searching LinkedIn. Sprinkle these words strategically throughout your profile, especially in your summary, skills and experience sections. LinkedIn lets you have up to 50 skills listed in the Skills section and this is a great way to add keywords to your profile without looking spammy or like you are trying too hard. But dont think listing skills provides proof of your abilities, you need to provide specific examples of your achievements in other sections to add credibility. Dont over exaggerate or stretch the truth, keep the skills you list in line with your level of experience.'