b'SOLICITORS LEGAL SKILLS(SLS)This module will prepare you for SQE2. The SLS helps students apply fundamental legal principles in skills-based situations. This module develops the following legal skills:Advocacy Virtual weekly surgeries to refresh your Interviewing legal knowledge from SQE1 and build your skills and weekly town halls run Attendance note taking/legal analysis by your supervisorsCase and matter analysis (includingHard copy (at no extra cost) and online negotiation strategies) materials required for teaching the Draftingskills, including continuing access to relevant SQE1-style multiple-choice Research questions to check back on your legal Writingknowledgein the following practiceMock SQE2 assessments areas: Entry requirements Business Law and Practice UK undergraduate degree or equivalent experienceCriminal LitigationEnglish language qualifications (e.g. Dispute Resolution IELTS) if English isnt your first languageProbate Administration and Practice You should have taken the SQE1 Property Practice assessment prior to taking this module. Wills and Intestacy Credits for LLM in Legal The SLS Module providesPracticeall the learning you need30 at FHEQ Level 7to prepare for the SQE2Course options assessment:10-week full-time course, with an average of 30 hours of learning per week Full access to the Colleges Canvas20-week part-time course, with an Learning Portal and virtual community average of 15 hours of learning per weekMultimedia presentations, workbook scenarios and skills activities for eachTimingunit, to access as and when you like Courses are timed to align with the SQE Regular one-to-one supervision withschedule set by the SRA. The Colleges an expert practitionerfirst full-time course begins in February A personal tutor, who you meet with2022 (in preparation for SQE2 assessment before the module startsin April 2022).See the course schedule on page 24 for course start dates.Price: 2,300Developing Legal Professionals Programme 11'