b'LEGAL BUSINESSSKILLS MODULEIn this module, you will develop a core understanding of legal business skills. These are the key skills required of a newly qualified solicitor entering a legal practice.This module will offer you: Credits for LLM in Legal Full access to the Colleges CanvasPracticeLearning Portal and virtual community 10 at FHEQ Level 7Multimedia presentations, workbook scenarios and skills activities for eachCourse options unit, to access as and when you like Modules can be started and completed Regular one-to-one supervision withflexibly over a 12-week or 24-week period. an expert practitionerYou can complete a module full-time in as Full access to all online legal resourceslittle as six weeks. Modules will be offered including Lexis Nexis and WestLaw around the SQE preparation courses to support professional development whilst Personal development against a clearqualifying.competency frameworkTimingAssessments through portfolio submissions, reflective statement Our first Legal Business Skills Module will (1500 words) and an oral assessmentbegin in January 2022. See the course with a supervisor.schedule on page 24 for start dates.Entry requirementsPrice: 500Undergraduate degree or equivalentEnglish language qualifications (e.g. IELTS) if English isnt your first languageYou should have a strong grounding in legal knowledge prior to taking this module. For example, evidenced by the completion of a SQE1 preparation course or having passed the SQE1 assessment.16 Developing Legal Professionals Programme'